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 D.H. Lawrence
 William Wordsworth

 Absurdum Delirium
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 Littérature Anglaise
 Littérature Française

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Flat Suburbs, S.W., in the Morning
Flat Suburbs, S.W., in the Morning, by D.H. Lawrence
in english
THE NEW red houses spring like plants 
      In level rows 
Of reddish herbage that bristles and slants 
      Its square shadows. 
The pink young houses show one side bright         5
      Flatly assuming the sun, 
And one side shadow, half in sight, 
      Half-hiding the pavement-run; 
Where hastening creatures pass intent 
      On their level way,  10
Threading like ants that can never relent 
      And have nothing to say. 
Bare stems of street-lamps stiffly stand 
      At random, desolate twigs, 
To testify to a blight on the land  15
      That has stripped their sprigs. 
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