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 D.H. Lawrence
 William Wordsworth

 Absurdum Delirium
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Seven Seals
Seven Seals, by D.H. Lawrence
en francais
SINCE this is the last night I keep you home, 
Come, I will consecrate you for the journey. 
Rather I had you would not go. Nay come, 
I will not again reproach you. Lie back 
And let me love you a long time ere you go.         5
For you are sullen-hearted still, and lack 
The will to love me. But even so 
I will set a seal upon you from my lip, 
Will set a guard of honour at each door, 
Seal up each channel out of which might slip  10
Your love for me. 
               I kiss your mouth. Ah, love, 
Could I but seal its ruddy, shining spring 
Of passion, parch it up, destroy, remove 
Its softly-stirring crimson welling-up  15
Of kisses! Oh, help me, God! Here at the source 
I’d lie for ever drinking and drawing in 
Your fountains, as heaven drinks from out their course 
The floods. 
               I close your ears with kisses  20
And seal your nostrils; and round your neck you’ll wear— 
Nay, let me work—a delicate chain of kisses. 
Like beads they go around, and not one misses 
To touch its fellow on either side. 
               And there  25
Full mid-between the champaign of your breast 
I place a great and burning seal of love 
Like a dark rose, a mystery of rest 
On the slow bubbling of your rhythmic heart. 
Nay, I persist, and very faith shall keep  30
You integral to me. Each door, each mystic port 
Of egress from you I will seal and steep 
In perfect chrism. 
               Now it is done. The mort 
Will sound in heaven before it is undone.  35
But let me finish what I have begun 
And shirt you now invulnerable in the mail 
Of iron kisses, kisses linked like steel. 
Put greaves upon your thighs and knees, and frail 
Webbing of steel on your feet. So you shall feel  40
Ensheathed invulnerable with me, with seven 
Great seals upon your outgoings, and woven 
Chain of my mystic will wrapped perfectly 
Upon you, wrapped in indomitable me. 
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